Recipes4Success is free with an active MACUL membership.  It can also be purchased at a reasonable rate by an individual teacher ($34.95) or by a district.  Since it's free to me, I knew I had to check it out.

It has a Proficiency Assessment (more like a survey) that determines the users level of technology use.  There are three different levels of tutorials, so this is a good place to start.   The tutorials,called Recipes, are about one hour long and are for common classroom software tools like Pixie, Microsoft office, Inspiration, Kid Pix, Timeliner and more.  There's also "Snacks" that are reference guides for a specific feature of an application.

The Tools section has a Rubric Maker, Graphic Organizer Maker and Citation Maker - I was amazed!  The Tools can be used without having an account.

I plan on checking out a "Recipe" for MS Office 2007.  The link is